After 3 first hand experiences with death I learnt how to rebuild my body physically and emotionally back to peak physical health and condition. I went from not having the strength to open a small bottle of water to winning the World Olympia Natural Bodybuilding title in 2006.
I became convinced there was a place for cold pressed juice in every person’s lifestyle no matter your level of health as it helped rebuild my battered body.
I discovered the power of plants during my journey but I also realised the obstacles that we face in this day and age to get the required amount in daily due to how busy the world is getting and the cost. I also discovered the revitalising power of adding protein, essential fatty acids and superfoods into the cold pressed juices I was making daily, and when my body responded so well PressedPlus was born.
I am dedicated to developing and delivering healing, nutritionally dense , plant based nutrition strategies and products to add value to people’s lives and health around the globe. With the advantage of me being living proof that plant based nutrition works and that I am a Holistic Nutritionist PressedPlus has the luxury of developing protein juice combinations for optimal health results for all ages.
With our use of top-quality Australian produce paired with Australian organic plant based protein, Australian organic hemp nectar and Patented Anutra micro fine chia flour our protein juice is not just a juice it’s a balanced meal. Our combinations will certainly help you on your way to being the best you can and get you fit from within.